Kootman's Class .com

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Welcome to the blogs of Room 40!

We maintain 3 text blogs, and a student creation blog. We also have some archived podcasts.  Please see the podcast link to the left.

Student Blogs

  • Daily Blog - An ongoing account of the daily activities in Room 40.  Written by a different student each time, then per reviewed by other students.
  • Creativity at Work - A blog with student created multimedia work, including podcasts, videos, comic strips and more...
  • What's Your Take? - an open discussion blog where students can thoughtfully respond to other's postings

Mr. Kootman's Blogs

  • Mr. Kootman's News - Mr. Kootman's newsletter with random updates and snippets.
  • - Mary Fay Pendleton's Gifted and Talented showcase
  • California DEN - Discovery Educator Network's California Blog. Mr. Kootman co-authors this informative blog

We always love to get constructive comments on our blogs.

Please stop by and comment, but remember that your comments will become public, so keep them kind.

*(sign in as "Name/URL" if you don't have a Google account).